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Customer Internet Privacy Statement

This privacy statement applies to all aspects of the Company. Protecting customer privacy is important to us. We hope the following statement will help you understand how Norfolk Marine collects, uses and safeguards the personal information you provide to us on our site. We will only use the information that we collect about you lawfully (in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1988).

Information collected on-line
a) We maintain information such as names, addresses and email addresses for customers who have either registered an account with us or have purchased goods from us. 
b) We do not collect any personal information whatsoever from casual visitors other than by news letter subscription.

Sharing of collected information 
a) We only collect the information required to complete a transaction. At the moment we do not use this personal information for anything other than internal use. 
b) We may at some future time, use this information to contact our customers to inform them of changes to the web site and to major product updates.
c) Under no circumstances whatsoever will we disclose personal information other than as required by a duly empowered police officer. 
d) We shall not sell, supply, rent or otherwise disclose any personal information to any person or organization.

What we can and will do at a customers request 
a) We will remove all personal information from our server (the customer account information) if requested. This can be verified by the customer by attempting a sign on using the account allocated. 
b) We shall only keep information on transactions as required by legislation and this will be off-line and not available, other personal information will be destroyed if requested.
c) We will guarantee not send any unrequested messages, electronically or by post should the customer choose. 

Should you need further information, please email your request to

Protecting the information on-line 
a) Our site is protected using the industry standard Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) for all sensitive information transfer. 
b) Access to personal information within the company is limited on a strictly "Need to know" basis. 
c) All internal accounting systems are password protected with very limited access by staff.

YouTube and Google
By using the website you acknowledge that the website uses YouTube & Google API services. By using those services you also acknowledge and agree to the connected YouTube terms of service & Google Privacy Policy

These are small files placed on your computer's hard drive, or in your browser memory, when you visit our website. It helps us process your order. What cookies don't do is store any personal or confidential information about you.

Our Customer Care
Customers are important to us, without them we would not exist. We will use our best endeavors to keep any customer happy, to supply them with the right equipment, at the right price within an agreed timescale. Occasionally things do go wrong. We promise to do our best to ensure that if we do make a mistake, we will do our utmost to put things right.

If you have a problem...
If it is a straightforward problem such as an incorrect goods delivered, late delivery or damage on arrival, telephone or e-mail, which ever is convenient and we will resolve it with the minimum of delay and with the minimum of fuss - it only takes one dissatisfied customer to undo the work of 10 satisfied ones! You will find us amenable to any reasonable complaint. 

Our complaints procedure is very straightforward

  1. Contact us by which ever method suits you best. We shall endeavour to find a resolution within 24 hours and keep you informed if it goes past that time period.
  2. If the problem is not resolved to your satisfaction or an agreement on the best way forward could not be achieved, write to:

Norfolk Marine (Chandlers) Ltd,
Church Road,
NR12 8UG

Fax: +44(0) 01603 782471
